Types of Essential Oils to Repel Mosquitoes
What Are Essential Oils?
People have been using plants for thousands of years to repel insects in the house and garden. Burning plants was once a popular and crude method of smoking out insects. People also hung bruised plants in houses and strategically planted lemongrass, citronella, or neem to keep insects and critters out.
Organic remedy. Essential oils are aromatic volatile organic compounds that naturally exist in these plants. They are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen compounds. They evaporate easily, and they have a strong smell. An essential oil is a liquid that is used as a natural remedy. There are some essential oils that can help with mosquitoes.
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends lemon eucalyptus oil as an active ingredient in insect repellents.
Lemon eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora or Corymbia citriodora) is a type of eucalyptus tree. It has naturally high amounts of the compound citronellal, which repels bugs.
The lemon eucalyptus distillation process also makes a compound called para-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD). This compound is the only plant-based repellent that the CDC recommends using in places that have mosquito-borne diseases like malaria.
Citronella Oil
Citronella (Cymobopogon nardus) is an ingredient in many repellents. This oil is also high in citronellal and geraniol, both of which repel bugs. Products that have the right amount of citronella can be as effective as DEET when properly combined with other essential oils.
Geranium Oil
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) is high in the constituent geraniol. This repels mosquitoes for a short amount of time.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint (Piperita mentha) naturally contains a lot of menthol. This can produce a cooling effect on your skin that feels nice in the heat. It can also repel mosquitoes.
Things to Know About Essential Oil Mosquito Repellents
Before you use essential oils to keep mosquitoes away, there are some things you should know.
DIY sprays. You might read about making your own essential oil mosquito spray. This is not a good idea. It's hard to properly make a spray. Essential oils evaporate quickly. This means you need other ingredients to make it last longer and actually protect your skin.
Skin irritation. Proper repellents require a high percentage of essential oil. Too many essential oils can irritate your skin. Too much can easily cause a rash or other problems on your skin.
Children. Some essential oils shouldn’t be used on children. Generally, you should avoid using essential oil insect repellents on children under 2 years old. Don’t use lemon eucalyptus products on children under 3 years old.
EPA Registration. The EPA doesn’t require brands to register essential oils as insect repellents. This means the Agency says essential oils are safe in general without testing them for effectiveness.
How to Use Essential Oil Insect Repellents
How useful essential oils are as repellents depends on many things, including:
- Water exposure
- Sweating
- Activity level
- Air temperature
- Amount of the active ingredient in the product
You may need to reapply your product to stay protected.
The CDC recommends lemon eucalyptus as an insect repellent. However, it doesn't suggest using the natural oil alone or making your own products. There are several considerations to keep in mind:
- Use products with a registration number: Buy a repellent that is registered with the EPA as an actual repellent. This means it is tested and proven to work.
- Don’t use only essential oils: Buy a product that has natural lemon eucalyptus as an active ingredient.
- Don’t use essential oils in disease areas: Unless it’s registered with the EPA, essential oil repellent products shouldn’t be used in places that have malaria, Dengue fever, or other diseases.
- Cover your skin: Protect yourself by covering your skin with long pants and sleeves. Only apply the repellent to exposed skin.